My BFF, Cheryl, threw a bridal shower this weekend for her sister, Alicia, who is also one of my good friends. She is having a baby girl in a few weeks.
Cheryl thought it would be fun to have a pink and white candy buffet for a party favor. I have been collecting apothecary jars lately because I love to use them for holiday decor. They are also cute for candy buffets! We put together a pink and white candy buffet and decorated the jars with some pink, black and white damask printables I designed. You can download the tags for free at the end of the post!
Pink & White Candy Buffet
Pink & White Cake Pop Bouquet
I loved this pink and white cake pop bouquet. I’ve never thought of making a cake pop bouquet! So clever.
The pink silverware and black and white damask plates were a Target find!
Black and White Damask Printable Banner
I made this banner for the shower with the name of her baby girl. The patterns and colors of the shower were inspired by the baby bedding. Alicia had it custom made and it may be the most beautiful bedding I have ever seen! It is stunning.
DIY Gift Wrapping
Alicia’s sister made this gift wrapping! I love it. I think DIY gift wrapping is a great way to give a gift an extra touch of love.
I didn’t get any pictures of the food, but it was fantastic as well! One of my favorite things on the menu was a Snickers and apple salad. I will definitely be including it in my upcoming party menus!
Great job to Cheryl for throwing another great party. She is my source of party inspiration and motivation. 🙂 I am so excited for Alicia and her new baby girl.
Black & White Damask Printable Downloads
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Makoodle’s free downloads and printables are for personal, non-commercial use only. Copyright is owned by Makoodle. If you have a commercial inquiry, please contact me.
You are welcome to link to the download on your site, but please link to the original post for the download (please don’t host the original files on your site).
LOVE the tag you used for the candy buffet display. Thanks so much for sharing a printable design also.
I like the combination of the pink and white and black! Wow! Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂
That is the coolest idea! Love the cake pop bouquet. You could have a lot of fun just choosing the candy selection for this. My sweet tooth is loving this.
I will make them for my friends dauther birthday
I can wait, That’s adorable